Procedures on Appeals



IMM maintains an appeal system to deal with appellants in a constructive impartial, and timely manner.

IMM is committed to receive, evaluate and make fair decisions on appeals that may be related to the rejection of application, examination results, decision on certification, or recertification.


1. The appellant must send in writing (by official correspondence or via email to the addresses listed below) his appeal on the decision made by IMM no later than 30 calendar days from the date of notification of the decision.

Address:  The General Manager

                Suite 1006, Level 10, Block A,

                Kelana Centre Point (Lobby A),

                No.3, Jalan SS7/19,

                Kelana Jaya,

                47301 Petaling Jaya


2. Reasons for the appeal must be stated and the appeal must be accompanied by supporting documentation if any, for the decision deemed improper.

3. Upon receipt of an appeal, the IMM Secretariat will gather all evidence in the case and refer the matter to the Appeals Committee for a final outcome of the appeal. 

4. The review outcome of the appeal submitted will then be communicated in writing to the appellant by the IMM Secretariat not later than 45 calendar days from the date of submission of the appeal.