Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) is a non-profit professional society that promotes honourable practice, professional ethics and encourages education in materials science, technology and engineering.
Registered with the Registrar of Societies on 6th November 1987, the Malaysian Materials Science & Technology Society (MMS) changed its name to the Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) on 16th June 1997. The objectives of the IMM include the training and development of individuals and companies in Malaysia to attain professional recognition in various fields of materials science, technology and engineering.

6800++ Members

Training & Certification

Organize Various Conference
Professional Membership
A person at least 25 years of age with approved academic qualifications and training and responsible experience in Materials Science and Engineering may apply for Professional grade.
Associate Membership
A person at least 25 years of age, who possess an interest in Materials Science and Engineering but have not acquired the necessary experience or obtained the qualifications, may apply to be Associate member.
Ordinary Membership
Any Malaysian Citizen and above the age of 18 years engaged in activities related to research, development and application in Materials Science and Engineering shall qualify for Ordinary Membership.
Affiliate Membership
Members or Company Members of the recognized professional institutions, societies & associations can become Ordinary or Company Members of IMM respectively without any annual subscriptions.
Company Membership
Any company that involves or has interest in Materials Science and Engineering will be qualified to join as a Company Member with a registered focal person who is selected within the Company.
Student Membership
A student member shall be a person not under 17 years of age and has received a good general education and is studying subjects related to Materials Science or Engineering may apply to be Student member.

IMM Coating Committee is responsible for IMM's activities and events relating to protective coatings and lining work for various facilities accross differect inductries with emphasis on the oil & gas, power and construction inductries etc.

IMM Corrosion Committee is responsible for IMM's activities and events relating to corrosion management, cathodic protection, corrosion monitoring, corrosion control, corrosion inhibition, and mitigation techniques and technologies accross different industries with emphasis on the oil & gas industry, power industry, etc.

IMM Welding Committee is responsible for IMM's activities and events relating to welding technology, processes and practices, welding metallurgy, welding mechanics, welding defects, welding testing and inspection as well as safety and health across different industries with emphasis on the oil & gas industry, power, rail and construction industries, etc.

IMM Insulation committee is responsible for activities related to thermal insulation design, materials, installation, claddings, QA/QC and prevention of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI).

IMM Coating Fingerprint committee aims to tackle the industrial challenge on fingerprinting of polymeric coatings. The main goal is to enhance the overall QA & QC of the polymeric coatings, with the aim on ensuring he polymers coatings supply conform to users’ specifications.

IMM Vibration Committee is responsible for IMM's activities and events relating to vibration technology, vibration management on health, safety and management, identifying common vibration problems on machinery, testing, analysing and diagnosing effects of vibration accross different industries with emphasis on the oil & gas, power, transport and construction industries, etc.

IMM Asset Integrity Committee is responsible for IMM's activities and events relating to asset integrity and its management which is important to ensure properly designed equipment are installed in accordance with specifications, and remains fit for use effectively and accurately, whilst also protecting the wellbeing of all personnel and equipment.